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Your smile plays a big part in your overall health and well-being, so when you skimp on your daily oral hygiene care or forego your six-month dental cleanings, your smile isn’t the only part of you that pays the price. Today, our dentist, Dr. Pedar Didriksen and the rest our team would like to explain three ways your oral health impacts your body. Let’s have a look:

-1 Your face and mouth hurt when you have tooth decay and periodontal disease. Not only can you feel toothache pain, but periodontal, or gum disease, cause your gums to hurt from inflammation and infection. Daily removal of plaque and tartar build-up from the teeth and gumline will help prevent this pain. This is important because over time both can also result in tooth loss.

-2 Your digestive system is impacted when your teeth and gums are not in good shape. This is because your digestive process begins in the mouth as you chew your food. If you can’t break down food because of tooth decay or tooth loss, your body is susceptible to intestinal failure, irritable bowel syndrome, or other digestive disorders. Keeping your teeth and gums healthy will allow your digestive tract to function as it should.

-3 Your vital organs are also impacted by your oral health. With oral infections, bacteria travel through the bloodstream into major organs, such as the heart. As this bacterial infection causes inflammation, you can experience serious complications.

You can prevent illness in your mouth and undue stress on your body by practicing daily oral care. Take time to brush and floss every day, and round out your daily efforts with regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings with our dentist.

You can schedule your next dental cleaning with our Pedar B. Didriksen DDS Family and Cosmetic Dentistry team by calling 410-208-2900. We look forward to helping you keep your oral health and your body healthier in Ocean Pines, Maryland.